Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mint chocolate chip cookies

For the St. Patrick's day potluck at work, I tried out Tidy Mom's Mint Chocolate Chip cookies.  I don't often try to bake cookies without my good friend, indie over at Girlie Review (who blogs about cosmetics but is an excellent cook), but it is time to branch out.

My baking skills are improving.  I have realized over the years that baking really is an art form and I hope one day to become proficient at it.  I'm (at times) a bit slap dash with my cooking and I often try to change recipes without thinking through the chemistry of it - which is why baking can be a dangerous area for me.  (For example, don't try to make dirt cake with all fat free ingredients unless you just want a big pile of goop. LOL)  This time the cookies turned out great!  I'd definitely recommend this recipe.


    1 pouch Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix
    1/2 cup butter, softened
    1/2 teaspoon mint extract
    1 egg
    green food color
    1 cup creme de menthe baking chips
    1 cup dark chocolate chips

Ingridients edit:  
 I used milk chocolate chips because I'm not overly fond of dark chocolate.  I used less than 1 cup of each kind of chips.  About 3/4 cup.  I thought a whole cup seemed like a lot and I think they turned out great that way.


Heat oven to 350°. In large bowl, stir in cookie mix, butter, mint extract, food color and the egg.  Stir in creme de menthe baking chips and chocolate chips.

    Put dough 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 8-10 minutes or until set. Let them cool for a few minutes before removing to wire rack. (I baked them for exactly 8 minutes and they were perfect!)  Here they are packed in tupperware to take to work.  Yum!

I really like the sugar cookies mixed with chocolate chips.  I think I will try to make them again without the mint added in.  Very tasty!


  1. Oh those look tasty. I'll definitely have to try that soon!

  2. I dub these the most successful combination of mint and chocolate that I've ever tasted.
