Saturday, February 25, 2012

Secret Hallow Book

Being a new mother, I decided that I would make a concerted effort this year to do a few things, including wearing more jewelry (of which I have a ton and often run out of the house in the morning without wearing), cooking and making crafts.  Of course, I cook all the time.  My husband and I take turns making dinner, but the goal is to make new recipes rather than things I make all the time.

My first craft was a secret hallow book. First, I got my supplies together.


Then I glued the pages together with a mixture of Elmer's glue and water. After a couple of coats, I put something in between the glued pages and the non-glued pages to keep them separate and then put something heavy on it to weigh it down while it dried.

My son & cat helped with the project:

Then I cut out all the pages a few at a time. This took a long time and I made a huge mess:

And finally, I was done!

I have no idea what to do with it. LOL.If you want to make one of your own, there are directions here.


  1. The only entry I've read thus far, but I'm already excited about your blog! Good entry.
